Plush Paws Mobile Grooming

Taryn started Plush Paws in the fall of 2021 and you may have already seen her fancy mobile pet grooming van around town. Read below about what inspired the business and why regular grooming is essential to your pup’s health.

Tell us about yourself and your business. 

Hi there, I’m Taryn the owner and lead stylist of Plush Paws Mobile Grooming.  Plush Paws is a luxury grooming service that brings canine hygiene and pampering to your front door. I started this business in October of 2021 after recognizing the need for groomers in Hamilton and surrounding areas. I have been grooming for 15 years, bringing experience and knowledge to support my business!  


How did you get your start in dog grooming and what do you love about it?

I got my start in dog grooming back in 2007 when I was working for a corporate company. I filled in for someone on a sick call and the job just sort of stuck. I went to the company’s in-house academy for groomers and I fell pretty quickly in love with the career. From there I worked for a hand full of salons in the Hamilton area, growing my clientele and expanding both my experience and education in dog grooming. What I love about dog grooming can’t be simplified into one sentence. I love when clients tell me “This is the best haircut we’ve ever had”. I love when I can make a dogs life more comfortable by removing painful knots or cutting over grown toenails. I love repeat clients, the ones that follow you from Burlington to Jordan Station, the ones that trust you whole heartedly with there beloved pet. 


What kind of experience do you offer for your furry clients? 

The Plush Paws mission is to provide a service that is all inclusive, every time. Each pet is treated to a one on one, stress free experience that is tailored to their unique needs ensuring they are cared for from noes to tail. In addition to an adorable haircut, every dog gets a good scrub using premium products, a pawdicure and a teeth brushing for fresh kisses. Grooming should be an essential part of a dogs overall health and we feel offering an all inclusive service takes away any guesswork! 


Why is keeping a regular grooming schedule important?

Keeping your dog on a regular grooming schedule is of the utmost importance for overall health and hygiene maintence. Grooming is more then just a cute haircut, although that is a nice benefit! Regular bathing promotes healthy skin and coat, even on short haired dogs. While regular haircuts maintains that cute look and prevents uncomfortable matting (resulting in the dreaded shave down). Staying on top of nail trimming will eliminate splayed feet which can contribute to arthritis later in life. Also regular nail trimming will keep the quick (vein) inside the nail nice and short, protecting your delicate skin AND your hardwood floors.

When a client is inquiring about how often their puppy needs to be groomed I like to tell them this: the difference between a dog that is groomed every 3-6 months and a dog that is groomed every 2-7 weeks is that one dog will think it’s being punished while the other accepts this as part of life. At Plush Paws we are always happy to educate new clients on the topic of at home maintenance as well as what their grooming schedule should look like.


What made you choose to offer a mobile service?

Choosing to offer a mobile service came to me after a couple of realizations… A. There was a serious shortage of dog groomers in the Hamilton area (everyone and their aunt got a dog during this pandemic and as an industry we just could not keep up). B. People are working from home, or just don’t want to leave home during this pandemic…. and C. No one else offers a luxury mobile dog grooming service. 

After working for other people my entire career and always knowing I wanted to own my own business, I decided it was time and this was the path I decided to take. Also, I’m not JUST a dog groomer, I’m also a mom. I felt not being tied down to a brick and mortar location would allow me the flexibility to still BE the mom that I wanted to be. 


What do you love about running your business in Hamilton?

As someone who is a long time supporter of small business in this city I am so excited to now be apart of that community. I love being out on the road in Hamilton travelling roads I’ve traveled my entire life while also discovering neighborhoods that I hadn’t visited before. I love that as a mobile service I’m out and about all day with even more opportunity to be apart of the awsome scene this city offers! 


Any advice to small business owners wanting to open up a business in Hamilton?

From what I’ve seen Hamilton is a busy, bustling and growing city. I personally think there is lots of space for business growth and so I would encourage someone who wants to start up! Do your research, know what areas are in need of your service and go from there.